music is my weapon

Music plays a very important role in my life. When I’m happy, I sing. When I’m sad, I sing. When I’m excited, I sing. When I’m mad, I punch things. HA HA … I got you with that one huh? No really, I can’t be that violent HA HA. Ok, all jokes aside, I really cannot imagine my life without music. I started singing and playing instruments at such a young age that my brain is now a jukebox. Since then, I have dreamt of inspiring people through music, whether I’m singing worship and praise to Jesus or emotionally moving people through time with song.

Music is my weapon. Worship is my warfare. Shouting out or singing out praises to Jesus is how I fight my battles. I am a firm believer that there is victory in praising and worshiping the Lord. I’m sure you will catch a whiff of this in some of my blog posts, but I’ll share something very briefly. For so long, I’ve battled serious things in my mind—depression, fear and anxiety, low self-esteem and inadequacy, even thoughts of suicide. It was praise that recalibrated my mind to remember who/whose I am. It was melodies that brought my heart back to life. Music is my weapon. Worship is my warfare.

You can check out some of my music here… stay tuned for more Cover songs, music with friends, and even some upcoming originals…